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BeautiFill™ for Breast Enhancement

The passage of time takes its toll in so many ways. When it comes to your body, Mother Nature seems to have changing opinions on where your curves should be. Where you want volume, it vanishes, only to turn up elsewhere, in less desirable locations. Wouldn’t it be great if you had the power to change things back?

Dr. Kevin Chan and the team at Rejenesis Health + Wellness offer up a potential solution for you. BeautiFill™ represents an improvement over traditional liposuction techniques, and it comes with better success rates for fat-transfer procedures. BeautiFill makes breast enhancement both practical and natural-looking.

Using fat to your advantage

There’s nothing new about fat grafting. It was initially used to fill in scars, and other applications developed over the years. In the 1990s, harvesting fat using liposuction became standardized, making elective fat transfers more feasible.

However, liposuction itself was not intended to harvest fat for reuse. The procedure is intended to remove fat, not to maintain the integrity of fat cells. Alma™ Lasers introduced BeautiFill in 2019 as a laser-assisted fat harvesting alternative to liposuction. BeautiFill leads the way to successful breast augmentation without implants.

Another option for fuller breasts

Saline and silicone implants were, previously, your only options for adding volume to your breasts. Now fat grafting can be used as an alternative to implants, though liposuction can be unpredictable, and the viability of harvested fat is often low. Transferring compromised fat cells negatively impacts the ultimate success of the procedure.

Since BeautiFill improves the success rate of fat harvest, a higher percentage of fat cells survive transfer. Since more good cells means more volume, you’ll see results that please you. You’ll typically see improvements of one to two cup sizes of additional fullness.

Reducing in problem areas

Fuller breasts are just the beginning. You already have the advantage of using your own tissue to gain volume, and there’s no chance of leaking or ruptured implants. The added bonus is that BeautiFill harvests fat from your problem areas, usually the abdomen, flanks, hips, and thighs. As you gain curves at your bust, you’re simultaneously losing bulges and rolls where you don’t want them. Talk about a win-win situation!

You’ll see results at the time of your BeautiFill treatment, done as an outpatient procedure with local anesthetic. There’s typically less swelling and bruising when compared with traditional liposuction, so your recovery should also be faster when choosing BeautiFill.

Rejenesis Health + Wellness is proud to be one of the nation’s newest providers of BeautiFill procedures and to now offer the treatment to our patients considering breast enhancement. To find out more about what BeautiFill can do for you, and see if you’re a good candidate for treatment, call us at 480-531-6001 or schedule an appointment online. Take back your curves on your own terms.