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Fun Sculpting for Fat Removal

Body sculpting is hot and in demand. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons noted that demand for body shaping procedures continues to climb, encompassing treatments such as tummy tucks, liposuction, and non-invasive fat reduction. 

It’s no surprise. A harsh reality that many face when losing weight and getting older is that your body has different ideas about fat storage than you do. Locations and amounts change over time, leaving you with rolls and bulges that resist toning exercises and calorie-deficit diets. No matter how much gym time you put in, these pockets remain. 

Dr. Kevin Chan and the team at Rejenesis Health + Wellness now offer Fun Sculpting, a minimally invasive, high-precision liposuction approach that gives you the upper hand on unwelcome fat deposits. Learn more about how you can achieve the body you want with Fun Sculpting to fine tune your shaping efforts. 

The problem of subdermal fat

Fat in the body can be grouped by location. Simply, visceral fat surrounds organs, underneath layers of muscle. As you tone and tighten muscle tissue, you also control the shape and appearance of visceral fat. 

Subdermal fat resides between the upper skin levels and muscle layers. Therefore, muscle toning has no way of containing or shaping this layer. As people age, it’s common for their bodies to store energy in subdermal fat layers, compounding the problem. You can neither influence where your body stores fat nor select where it draws energy from fat. 

Liposuction solutions

Used for years, liposuction is a surgical way to selectively remove fat cells from your body. It’s not a weight loss procedure, but rather a way to deal with these subdermal pockets. Liposuction has the ability to transform the pockets’ shape, bringing your contours into line with your aesthetic goals. 

Traditional liposuction has some drawbacks, however. Since it was designed solely to remove fat from the body, conventional techniques weren’t concerned with the viability of fat cells being removed. 

Today, though, fat grafting is a growing phenomenon. Procedures such as butt lifts harvest fat from problem areas, relocating these to spots that benefit from additional volume. Procedures such as Fun Sculpting improve the viability of harvested fat cells. More cells survive the harvesting and grafting process, making your treatments more predictable. 

The benefits of Fun Sculpting

Fun Sculpting provides you with high-resolution body sculpting. It’s more precise than traditional liposuction, giving Dr. Chan finer control over the final shape achieved by fat removal. This control gives you dramatic — yet natural — results over your body contours in a convenient, minimally invasive office-based treatment, without turning to less effective fat freezing or heating techniques. 

You’ve got plenty of options when it comes to achieving the shape you want. Fun Sculpting adds to the toolbox. Its vibration-assisted cannulas stimulate the healing response, meaning that you’ll see fat loss and skin tightening for up to six months, as well as your immediate results. 

Contact Rejenesis Health + Wellness to learn more about Fun Sculpting and your other fat removal and body shaping options. Call the office directly at 480-531-6001 to set up your personal consultation today, or send us a message online