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FAQs About Hormone Management

Hormone levels naturally decline with age, which can result in a wide range of unwanted symptoms. Men and women can both experience weight gain, fatigue, and difficulty sleeping, among other symptoms. Hormone replacement therapy reduces unwanted symptoms by restoring hormone levels. The experienced provider Dr. Kevin Chan at Rejenesis Health + Wellness in Phoenix, AZ, offers hormone management and can determine if you are a candidate for horn replacement therapy. 

What Causes Low Hormone Levels?

Declining hormone levels naturally occur with aging, but other factors can contribute to lower hormone levels at any age. Diet, medications, and certain health conditions can affect hormone levels. If you are not feeling like your usual self, low hormone levels could be responsible. 

What are the Symptoms of Low Hormone Levels?

Some of the symptoms commonly experienced by men or women when there is a hormone imbalance include:

Women, in particular, tend to also experience irritability, mood swings, headaches, vaginal dryness, and hot flashes. For men, low hormone levels can result in hair loss, a decrease in muscle mass, and erectile dysfunction. 

What is Hormone Replacement Therapy?

Several forms of hormone replacement therapy are available for treating low hormone levels in men and women. At Rejenesis Health + Wellness in Phoenix, AZ, the hormone management method used to restore balance is bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT). A significant benefit of BHRT is that the hormones used in treatment are derived from natural sources, such as soy or yams. These hormones act just like the ones produced by the body, which is why they work so well.

How Soon Do Symptoms Improve with Hormone Replacement Therapy?

The type of BHRT we use comes in the form of pellets that are placed under the skin. Hormones are released from the pellet, as needed, in response to signals sent by the body. It can take a few weeks after the pellet is placed for symptoms to noticeably improve. Within a few weeks, though, fatigue, difficulty sleeping, and other symptoms should diminish and patients begin feeling like themselves again.

If you are experiencing certain symptoms and just aren’t feeling like yourself, low hormone levels could be the culprit. For hormone management in Phoenix, AZ, schedule an examination with one of our providers by calling Rejenesis Health + Wellness at (480) 961-2366.